Friday, January 26, 2024

FREE Books to Keep--No Kidding!

You read that right! The library is giving away FREE books! Now that those bills are coming in after the holidays, anything free probably sounds good at this point. To clarify, I'm not talking about books you can check out and borrow from the library; I'm talking about books you can take home and keep forever and ever!

You may be wondering what this is all about. Well, if you didn't know, our library has a Free Shelf with adult, teen, and children's books. Occasionally, we even have DVDs, CDs, and books in different languages. What we have on the shelves keeps changing, so the offerings always stay fresh.

How can we give away books for free? Often, we get donations from patrons who are cleaning out their homes or moving. Children and teens may outgrow some books, adults may no longer need textbooks and other materials. If our library is unable to add items to our collection, we put them on our Free Shelf for others to take and enjoy.

So, come on over and help yourself to things on our Free Shelf. Take some for yourself, your kids, and your friends. Got a holiday or birthday coming up for a book lover? Get a gift without spending a dime (don't worry--it's our secret!). Just please don't take items from the library's collection without checking them out first.

Wishing you and yours many good reads from the perch.

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