The deep cleaning of my bookshelves happened last summer. It was well past time to part with a number of books that went untouched for years. They took up space with little, if any, justification. The "common" books I no longer used (paperbacks, popular fiction, and easily obtained non-fiction) went to a local library's book sale, and hopefully, they will be enjoyed by others. There were some books in my personal collection, however, that were more rare.
One such book I had was a collector's edition of Christopher Paolini's Eragon, which was published with a faux leather cover in 2013. I picked it up on sale for a few dollars in a bookstore some years ago, thinking it was a nice copy to have or give as a gift to someone. Fast forward to the present: my husband put the book up for sale on eBay and it sold...for 400 dollars! Now it's on its way to Italy to make some reader in Europe happy (I know it made me happy!).
The lesson to be learned--you never know what treasures (literary and financial) may be hidden on your bookshelves. Who knows? You may even have tucked away a first edition of the first book in the Harry Potter series.
Wishing you happy book experiences (rare and otherwise) from the perch.
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