Friday, November 16, 2018

Practice Thankfulness

I've talked about having an Attitude of Gratitude in the past, but with Thanksgiving coming up, I thought it might be good to revisit the subject.  It seems like a lot of people feel down about the state of the world these days and tend to focus more on the negative than on the positive.  I'd like to think of the glass being half full, so here's a list of things for which we all can be thankful:
  • Weekends--Those 2 days a week to rest, recharge, have fun, do something, do nothing are just magical, aren't they?
  • Fresh Air--It smells good, fills up our lungs, and we wouldn't be around without it.
  • Learning from Mistakes--Nobody's perfect, so isn't it great our mistakes can be our best teachers?
  • Laughter--Sometimes you just can't take life too seriously and need to laugh it up.
  • Sunshine--Those warm rays sure make the day bright and cheery.
  • Time--It's a gift to be used well.
  • Rainbows--Those pretty colors in the sky don't happen often, but they sure are pretty!
  • Waking Up--If you woke up this morning, be happy--it's another day you're here!
  • Your Mind--It's a rather remarkable instrument; just look at all the different things you can do!
  • Music--Doesn't listening to your favorite tunes put a spring in your step?
  • Libraries and Books--Come on, you know I had to include them! The gateways to so many things!

Personally, I'm also thankful for my family (even though they drive me crazy sometimes), my good health (so far), and working in a library (5 days a week).  What are some of the things you feel thankful about?

Wishing you a Happy Thanksgiving from the perch.


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