Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Attitude of Gratitude

Gulp.  It's here again--the holiday season.  I know some of us are real holiday people.  You probably know some of them.  The ones who start playing Christmas music after Halloween, put up the tree before Thanksgiving, and have their cards sent out by Black Friday.

Then there are those of us who dread the holidays.  The ones who are afraid to go anywhere near the mall beginning the week of Thanksgiving, do all their Christmas shopping online, and try to hibernate in bed or on the sofa until after New Year's.

Whether you're holiday-centric or holiday-phobic, there's one thing everyone can do around the holidays to make them feel better--have an attitude of gratitude.  That's right.  Rather than thinking about all the things to do, pause for a moment and reflect on the things for which you're grateful, the things you already have.

Keeping a gratitude journal is great for stopping and thinking of the things that make you feel grateful.  Get a notebook and simply list the things you're grateful about.  And don't list material things.  List the things money can't buy, like a beautiful sunset, a stranger's smile, or a friend calling to say hello.  You can do this daily, weekly, monthly, or whenever you want.  Experts say that taking the time for gratitude actually helps your physical and psychological health, among having other benefits.

There are also books that promote gratitude (hey, you know I have to plug some library items).  Oliver Sack's aptly named book, Gratitude, is comprised of four essays in which the author expresses his gratitude.  David J. Pelzer's Help Yourself focuses on the rewards gratitude can bring.  Even Julie Andrews and her daughter introduce the concept of gratitude to younger readers in The Very Fairy Princess: Attitude of Gratitude through a school Gratitude Day.

So, no matter which side of the holiday fence you're on, make some time for a little gratitude.  You'll be grateful you did.

Ever gratefully yours from the perch.

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