Tuesday, February 27, 2024

Leapin' Leap Day!

Get ready for February 29--Leap Day! In case you weren't aware, every four years is a Leap Year, which makes the year 366 days long rather than the usual 365. That extra day gets added to February, giving us 29 days that month instead of 28. Why the extra day? Since it takes the Earth 365.24 days to rotate around the sun, that extra day every four years keeps the calendar on track. This is how winter stays in January and doesn't shift to July (in the Northern Hemisphere, at least).

Of course, an offbeat day like Leap Day has been the inspiration for different traditions, one of which is Bachelor's Day, a.k.a. Ladies' Privilege in Ireland. Saint Bridget supposedly asked Saint Patrick to allow women to propose to men on one day every four years because some men took their darn sweet time to propose.

This tradition of women proposing on Leap Day has lasted through the present (not that women nowadays can't take the lead and do the proposing any time of the year they want). The movie, Leap Year, which can be borrowed from our library on DVD (shameless plug here), shows this tradition at work rather humorously.

Amy Adams' character in the movie decides to surprise her feet-dragging boyfriend on Leap Day by proposing to him in Ireland, where he's attending a conference. She runs into one comic obstacle after another trying to reach him on time, and if I say any more I'll be giving the rest of the movie away. Just take my word that it's a cute movie full of laughs. Be sure to check it out sometime this Leap Year.

Wishing you a happy Leap Day (and year) from the perch.

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