Thursday, September 17, 2020

Armchair Travel!

Hello, everyone! Are we tired of the pandemic yet? How about those wildfires? Or those murder hornets? Hey, there's still another three and a half months left of 2020, so who knows if there'll be something new to spice up our lives!

If you're feeling a little stir crazy, like me, staying at home and not traveling because of current world circumstances, have I got the cure for you--armchair travel! Perhaps you heard of it? When you have to stay in one place, it's about taking a virtual vacation somewhere in the world through your mind. There are different modes of transportation:

  • Books! (You knew I had to say it.)
  • Movies.
  • Watch travel shows. (Rick Steves, anyone?)
  • Go on virtual tours of museums online.
  • Cooking foods of various locales.
  • Ordering takeout from a Thai, Ethiopian, German, etc. restaurant.
  • Pull out old photos of places you've been.
  • Plan future trips to take when all the craziness is over.
  • Read travel blogs.
  • Make a travel soundtrack of different songs and music.

Need some more ideas for armchair travel? Then check out these webpages on armchair travel:

Wishing you wonderful armchair travels from the perch.

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