Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Ever Evolving Libraries

Libraries.  I probably don't have to tell you, but they're places traditionally associated with books, silence, and shushing librarians.  Although books are still the mainstay of libraries, the silence and stereotypical shushing librarians are gone.  Libraries have evolved to become community spaces where people can learn in open environments filled with chatter.

Many librarians today specialize in STEM (science, technology, engineering, and math), teaching both children and adults things you would have normally learned at one time in a classroom.  Storytimes are made to be fun and informative, educating children on everything from human bodies to celestial bodies.  Libraries are going beyond the promotion of reading and literature.

Additionally, libraries and librarians are dealing with electronic devices and information.  People of all ages with questions about using computers or finding information on the Internet can get help from librarians. There's a reason why the library degree today is called an MLIS as opposed to the older MLS--it's a degree in library and information science.

Libraries have always been gateways to information, but today they are so much more than simply places to get books.  If you want to read a classic, though, that's okay, too.  Just choose whether you want to read that classic in print or electronically.

Actually and virtually yours from the perch.

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