Friday, March 15, 2019

The Luck (and Movies) of the Irish

St. Patrick's Day, that lucky day of the Irish, is upon us.  Perhaps you're going to wear something green, attend a parade, or grab a pint at the pub. Not into all the noise and revelry?  Is a quiet celebration at home more your style?  Then maybe an Irish movie is the ticket for you.  If that's the case, allow me to share some of my favorites to help you get in the spirit of the holiday:
  • Angela's Ashes  Based on the memoir by Frank McCourt, it tells of the author's impoverished Catholic childhood in Limerick.  Great for a good cry. 
  • Brooklyn  A young woman moves from Ireland to Brooklyn, New York for a better life in the 1950s.  A nice coming-to-America story.
  • Circle of Friends  There's laughter, tears, and everything else when a group of friends come of age in 1950s Ireland. 
  • Leap Year  An American woman follows an Irish tradition of proposing to her boyfriend on leap day, but it doesn't go according to plan.
  • Michael Collins  Starring Liam Neeson and Julia Roberts, this historical movie focuses on the revolutionary leader who helped bring about Ireland's independence from Britain.
  • The Quiet Man  It may not be the most politically correct movie by today's standards, but it's still a charming one with John Wayne and Maureen O'Hara.

I realize my list only scratches the tip of the iceberg and that there are many other movies with Irish themes and characters worth watching.  Do you have a favorite Irish movie?  Share it with us!

Wishing you many Irish blessings from the perch.

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