Friday, August 24, 2018

The End of Summer Reading

Alas, the summer's almost done,
Along with time spent in the sun,
Summer reading will be ending,
Since the school year now is pending.

But there is no need to fear,
Because the books will still be here.
Fiction, history, mystery, too,
There's no reason to be blue!

Halloween is coming soon,
So, start singing a happy tune!
Not-so-scary with lots of treats,
Follow Twitter for all our tweets.

A teen escape room is pretty awesome,
Besides our year-round Library 'Possum.
He picks a new book every week
To make sure your reading's never bleak.

Winter, spring, summer, or fall,
There's always something to do for all.
Let's jump up and give a cheer,
The Library is here all year!

Wishing you year-round good reads from the perch.

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