Wednesday, March 21, 2018

Stephen Hawking--Life Lived to the Fullest

A great mind passed away last week.  Physicist, cosmologist, and author Stephen Hawking died on March 14 at the age of 76.

I confess that I'm not scientifically minded, and I haven't paid close attention to Hawking's theories, which I understand are--for lack of better phrasing--out of this world.  I'm not going to discuss his achievements as there are others who can do a much better job than me.  What I would like to talk about is my admiration for a person who has lived his life as fully as possible despite his physical limitations.

At the age of 21, Hawking was diagnosed with an early onset, slow-progressing form of ALS, and his doctors gave him two years to live.  As anyone can understand, Hawking was initially depressed by his diagnosis and his deteriorating motor skills and speech.  However, with the encouragement of his doctoral advisor, he continued his work and did so for the next fifty-five years.

It would have been so easy for Hawking to give up, to stop working and succumb to his condition, but he didn't.  As the years progressed, so did his ALS.  He lost his ability to speak and all movement, but not his mind.  Thanks to technology and various people helping him, Hawking was able to communicate and write using a raise of his eyebrows, a computer, and a voice synthesizer.  He wrote books and gave lectures...all from his wheelchair.  He traveled, received awards, and even went on a zero-gravity flight in the hope of preparing for a space trip.

Stephen Hawking may not have been able to do the simplest things most of us take for granted, like walking or talking, but he didn't let his condition stop him from doing what he wanted to do.  I admire him for making the most of life, having a sense of humor, and taking things in stride.  Hawking is a role model, inspiring us to pursue our interests and not allow anything to deter us from them.

Ever humbly yours from the perch.

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