Friday, January 12, 2018

New Year's Resolutions for Book Nerds

We're about two weeks into the New Year.  Perhaps you've made some resolutions?  Maybe you're doing a good job keeping up with those resolutions, or have you already abandoned them?  Whether or not you're doing well on those promises you made to yourself, I'm not one to judge.  In the spirit of the New Year and resolutions, however, I thought it might be fun to share with you Barnes and Noble's list of New Year's Resolutions for Book Nerds (I especially like numbers 1, 5, and 19):
  1. I will stop losing bookmarks.
  2. I will keep my “all-nighters to read a book from cover to cover” down to once a week.
  3. I will do things other than read on weekends. Things like interact with other humans, eat things other than cereal, absorb sunlight, and appreciate trees.
  4. I will give people who don’t read a chance. Maybe.
  5. I will conquer the 100 greatest novels of all time.
  6. I will choose a literary prize and read every book that has ever won that prize.
  7. I will be faithful to one book club, instead of joining five different ones and just reading whatever I want.
  8. I will shed 20 pounds from my bookshelves so they’re not straining under a potentially hazardous amount of weight.
  9. I will exercise more by walking around the bookstore five times before making my purchases.
  10. Before passing judgment on a genre of books, I will read three books in that genre first.
  11. I will read a book in another language, even if it’s The Cat in the Hat by Dr. Seuss.
  12. I will organize my book collection in a way that other sentient beings can understand.
  13. I will diligently record every book I read this year and my thoughts on them.
  14. I will stop being late to things because I got distracted by a book.
  15. In fact, I will show up extra early to everything so I have time to read while waiting.
  16. I will stop judging people who see the movie before reading the book.
  17. I will stop recommending books with ultimatums like, “If you don’t love this book, we can’t be friends!”
  18. I will finally finish that one book I’ve tried to start four times already.
  19. I will keep one book on my nightstand instead of a tower of precariously piled hardcovers that could topple at any minute and crush me in my sleep.
  20. When my significant other reads a book I love, I will not sit and stare at them while they read. Nor will I keep asking, “Are you at (my favorite part) yet?”
Don't forget--the library has plenty of materials for your enlightenment and entertainment...and they're all FREE!  And stop by the perch if you have any questions or just want to say hi to your friendly, neighborhood perch librarian.

Wishing you a good start to the year from the perch.

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