Thursday, March 30, 2017

Get Hygge!

Are you like me?  Getting a little tired of the dark, gloomy, rainy weather we've been having for ages?  Having enough of all the water flooding the fields and roads?  Seeing too much gray and brown than vibrant colors?

Then look to our friends, the Danes, for some inspiration.  In winter they have up to 17 hours of darkness a day in Denmark, yet they're some of the happiest people around.  Why?  That's because they have a secret, and that secret has finally gotten out.  What do they have that we desperately need?  HYGGE!

So, what the heck is hygge, you ask?  There's no direct translation into English, but hygge (pronounced "hoo-ga") is a sense of coziness, of having the warm and fuzzies of the soul.  It's the feeling you get when you're wrapped up nice and snug in a soft afghan, sipping a cup of tea, and watching the rain beat against the window.  It's the feeling you get when you're getting together with a few of your good friends over a candlelit dinner.  It's the feeling you get when you're curled up in the corner of your sofa reading a good book.  Simply put, it's taking pleasure in little, everyday things and creating a warm, inviting atmosphere.

Hygge has become the big trend of the moment.  There are a number of books on the subject, including The Little Book of Hygge by Meik Wiking of the Happiness Research Institute (yes, they really research happiness).  There are also various articles on hygge and how to put a little more of it in your life:

So, until the weather turns warm and the flowers start blooming, light those candles, make that cocoa, put on those fuzzy socks, cuddle in that blanket, and enjoy that pastry!  And of course, stop by the library to get some good books to read and put more hygge in your life!

Wishing you much hygge from the perch.

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