Friday, May 27, 2016

Good News

I don't know about the rest of you, but I'm getting tired hearing of all the bad things that happen in the world.  Plane crashes, religious extremists, and let's not get started with the presidential election.  It seems like practically everything you hear on the news is bad and keeps getting worse.  I've even reached the point that after reading the main headlines on the Internet, I make a conscious effort to stay away from the news, which gets repeated over and over again.

It's probably no surprise, but the news stories broadcast are usually negative.  Journalists often abide by the "if it bleeds, it leads" motto.  Sure, some feel good stories pop up every so now and then, but there aren't many, and they're usually put at the end of a news broadcast or at the bottom of a webpage where they get little notice.

I'm glad, though, that there's a rise of websites focusing on positive news.  At a time when so many bad things are happening, there are actually a lot of good things happening as well.  For instance, there's the story of a college prep school in Maryland that raised money for one student's mother to fly from Nigeria to see her son graduate.  Or the one about the flight attendant who soothed an infant by carrying and walking with him in the aisle.  Then there's the one about the dog who got bitten by a snake while he was protecting a young girl.

If you're like me and need to hear some good things going on in the world, check out the following websites for a dose of positive:
Just because the news bombards you with doom and gloom doesn't mean that the world doesn't have some good things.  The good things are there, but you may have to dig a little bit deeper for them.

Trying to stay positively yours from the perch.

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