Thursday, March 19, 2015

Spring Into Spring!

Okay.  St. Patrick's Day is behind us and ahead of us is...SPRING!  Yup--it's officially here this Friday, March 20 at 3:45 p.m. for everyone here on the West Coast and at 6:45 p.m. for those on the East Coast (food for thought--does that mean the West gets spring earlier than the East even though technically spring comes at the exact same moment?).

I don't know about you, but I'm getting spring fever.  Bad.  Really bad.  My spirits are lifted by tulips poking their leaves from the ground and crocuses adding purple and golden hues to the landscape.  And don't get me started on those blue skies and that glorious sunshine warming things up.  Ahhhh...just take a deep breath and enjoy that fresh, clean spring air!

Now, you may ask, what does the library have to do with spring?  Plenty.  Want to go outside and start planting some flowers?  We got books for gardening.  Want to go hiking in the great outdoors?  We got books on trails and maps.  Want a spring break trip but don't know where to go?  We got plenty of travel books.  Want some good fishing tips?  We got books on fishing and flies.  Want to snap great pics of nature and all the fun things you're doing?  We got books on photography.  Want to know about...well, you get the idea.

We got lots of books on different things that can help you enjoy spring and the great weather.  And, of course, we got good reads for your down time, DVDs, CDs, videogames, and whatever else your heart desires.  All for free!  Just come on in and head on out with stuff that can help enhance your spring experience.  Needless to say, your ever faithful perch librarian is here to be of assistance in your quest for springtime info--yay!

Wishing you a splendid spring from the perch.

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