Friday, January 16, 2015

Ease Into the New Year

Are you feeling like me?  You hustle and bustle through the Holiday Season, buying and wrapping gifts, decorating, eating, traveling, and squeezing more things than normal into your days?  And now you're at the point when you collapse on your sofa feeling dazed and confused until you go bleh?

Then maybe we both need to take a break with the New Year, slow down, breathe, reconnect with ourselves, and bring some peace back into our lives.

We got a number of books at the library to help you get your groove again.  Whether you're looking for books on meditation, finding a new hobby, or looking for ways to organize your life.

Not catching the reading bug at the moment?  Don't forget we also have some great Easy Listening CDs, from Josh Groban to Barbra Streisand.  Additionally, there are new DVDs to borrow if you feel like hibernating in your warm, cozy lair on a cold winter's night.

If you do feel like venturing out, however, and want to do some fun things with others, we have some interesting programs going on.  For starters, we now have 2 Spin-a-Yarns a month on the 2nd Tuesday and 4th Thursday.  There's a Chocolate for the Spouses Soul planned for February when we get to decorate tote bags and, of course, eat chocolate.  Furthermore, there's the Big Read coming up, and we'll have all kinds of things, including a book discussion, on Jack London's The Call of the Wild.

So, be good to yourself, relax, and ease into the New Year.  You deserve it.

Namaste from the perch.

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