Friday, November 7, 2014


I discovered a relatively new website today that I'm really excited about, and I just had to share it with all of you, my ever loyal fans!

The website is LibraryReads, created in 2013, and it posts the "top ten books published this month that librarians across the country love."  Actually, it's not just librarians.  Anyone working in an American library can vote for a newer book that he or she has enjoyed.  The 10 books with the most votes then go on the top ten list for the current month.

If I may give my humble 2 cents, I think it's cool to see what other people dealing with books all day consider to be the most interesting selections of the moment.  It's about what library professionals think are good reads; it's not necessarily about what's bestselling, although many of the books are bestsellers.

Each book is accompanied by a review written by a library employee.  You can read the reviews for this month's books, or you can go to the archives and read the book reviews from other months.

If you're looking for a new book to read but aren't sure what you feel like reading, LibraryReads is a great reader's advisory tool to give you different ideas.  Maybe you'll even find a book that was nowhere on your radar before.  I've already found out about some good new books that I'm just itching to read.

So, if you're looking for new and different ideas for your future reading, give LibraryReads a try.  It's worth a look.

Happy reading wishes from the perch.

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