Thursday, September 18, 2014

Books--The Best Gift

I was recently invited to a baby shower, and along with the invitation came a request to give the baby your favorite children's book with a personal message written inside to the baby.  The intention is not only to build a small library for this baby girl, but also to introduce her to books from the start.  As a perch librarian and someone who loves reading, I thought this was such a sweet and wonderful idea.

I know I'm biased, but I think you're never too young (or too old) for books and libraries.  Small children gain so much when someone reads to them.  They learn sounds, vocabulary, and language.  They learn to pay attention and focus.  They develop their thinking and reasoning abilities.  They get social interaction and forge a relationship with the person reading to them.  And this is just the beginning.

As children grow, they progress to different and more advanced books.  They learn letters, and how those letters form words, which then form sentences.  They learn about children just like them, about the world, and about life in general.  They learn that they're not alone, that they're not the only ones experiencing the things they face.  That other kids are learning how to use the potty.  That other kids are worried about school and whether they'll be liked.

Children discover that with books they'll never feel lonely or bored.  Books can be their best friends and teach them so many different things, subjects and skills that they will use in various situations for the rest of their lives.  The gift of books is precious and can do so much in shaping both the mind and character of children.  It helps them transform into the adults they will become one day.

Be sure to give the children in your life the gift of books.  Give them the tools to read, to learn, and to dream.  After all, some dreams turned into reality have made the world a better place.

Wishing you and your loved ones beautiful reading from the perch.

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