Wednesday, May 2, 2012

The Internet Public Library

I'm sure you've all missed me when I was off the perch nursing a cold last week.  How you managed without a new blog post from yours truly is a mystery to me.  Happily, I'm back with a new post to brighten up your day!  Please remain calm; don't get too excited.

As some of you may know, from time to time I tell you about interesting websites for your research, enrichment, or amusement.  Well, the website I'm sharing with you today covers all three of those categories.  It's the Internet Public Library (a.k.a. IPL2) and there are adult, teen, and child versions of it.

What's so special about the IPL2?  If you've ever felt flabbergasted searching for information on the Internet and weren't sure if some websites were trustworthy, the IPL2 is there to come to your aid.  The website is put together by library information students as well as other library and information professionals who have combed the web for sites that are dependable. 

If you know what you need, you can just type keywords in the search box and you'll be given a list of reliable links to websites and articles included in the IPL2.  If you just want to have some fun and browse around, you can check things out by subject or you can get links to newspapers and magazines  around the world.  Personally, I get a kick looking up trivia information on states through the Special Collections.  Can't stump me if you ask what is the state with the lowest population density!

So, check out the IPL2 if you have a school project to do or just want to kill some time.  You'll be glad you did. 

Brushing up on trivia on the perch.

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