Wednesday, August 24, 2011

What's your "thing"?

I needed to take some time to think about my next topic to blog about, and then it hit me.  Almost each one of my co-workers has a "thing."  One of them is into penguins, one is into frogs, one is into snowmen, one is into Hello Kitty...well, you get the idea. And each person has her desk area decorated with artifacts representing her "thing."

For a while I wondered what my "thing" is.  It's not that I don't have interests.  If you've been following my posts you might have guessed that I have an interest in travel, so I have magnets, postcards, and bookmarks around my desk area from places I've been.  But I didn't really consider travel a "thing" since it's more of an action, a verb rather than a noun.

This past weekend I took a trip to the Columbia River Gorge in Oregon to enjoy the waterfalls.  I've always loved water and waterfalls in particular ever since I went to Niagara Falls when I was in college (if Niagara Falls doesn't convert you into a waterfall addict, nothing will).  I went from one waterfall to another along historic HWY 30, taking photos from different angles, appreciating the personality of each cataract, and feeling the spray of water on my face.

I e-mailed some of the photos I took to my mother and wanted to hear what she thought about the different waterfalls.  I thought she might have been as excited as I was about the waterfalls but instead she told me that one waterfall looked like another to her.  That was when I realized that I had my "thing."  I had it without even realizing I had it.

Now I'm happy to have an official "thing."  It's great to Google different waterfalls and their photos, search for books on waterfalls, and ponder which waterfall to visit next.  I'm even planning to make a screensaver of my own waterfall photos to put on my laptop as a pleasant reminder of the ones I've seen.

So, what's your "thing"?  Don't worry if you don't know what it is quite yet; it'll come to you.  And when it does, love it, read about it, live it!

Today's food for thought from the perch.

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