I'm sure we all get those "blah" days from time to time. You know, those days when you just feel like curling up under the covers in your bed and hope the rest of the world will pass by without noticing you. Today is one of my "blah" days; maybe it's the chilly, gloomy weather that's doing it.
Anyway, I was thinking what to blog about today when I remembered a good website for blah days--1000 Awesome Things. The website was created by Neil Pasricha, who was going through a difficult time in his life, and to pick up his spirits he reflected on the small but good everyday things that we often take for granted, like the smell of fresh bread in a bakery or the opening of a new checkout line at the store. He also published a book (which I gave my cousin last year as a high school graduation gift) called The Book of Awesome that was followed this year by The Book of (Even More) Awesome.
I don't know about you, but I love those books that give little day-to-day wisdom, the ones that make you stop and think about the obvious things that you give little or no attention. Above my desk hangs an apt quote from Coleridge: "The happiness of life is made of of minute fractions." How true. It's the little things that are important, not always the big things.
Later from the perch.
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