Saturday, May 28, 2022

Entering the Comfort Zone (Books)

Following the last post on "comfort viewing," let's go further and talk about "comfort reading" (being a perch librarian, I naturally have to talk about books). Comfort reading shares many similarities with its more pictorial counterpart. It involves a book (or books) you absolutely love that you return to over and over again. You can read the entire book from beginning to end, or you can just re-read your favorite sections. It's a feel-good read that makes you smile, giving you warm and fuzzy feelings.

Comfort reading can be something you read in your childhood or something you read more recently. Maybe it's fantasy taking place in an entirely fictional world. Perhaps it's an action-adventure thriller that makes you feel invincible, one in which evil is punished and good is rewarded. It could also be a book that has characters you like and with which you can relate. Whatever it is, comfort reading is different for everyone.

My comfort reading veers toward fantasy and the paranormal. Like my comfort viewing (Smallville and other takes on Superman), it's escapism that I find entertaining and relaxing. During the pandemic I found myself re-reading books I loved when I was younger, such as The Lion, The Witch, and the Wardrobe and The Lord of the Rings series. I also read (more like devoured) newer series dealing with the paranormal like A Discovery of Witches. Then there were the light, funny books--The 100-Year Old Man Who Climbed Out the Window and Disappeared, How to Be a Canadian, and The Library of Lost and Found.

Some psychologists will say that we can get as much life satisfaction from the world of a book as we can from a real life social situation. We've often heard that books are friends we can re-visit any time we want, and that turns out to be true. Indeed, comfort reading provides us with a connection not only to the characters, but to the authors as well. What are some of your comfort reads? Share with us!

Wishing you lots of comfort reading from the perch.

Thursday, May 19, 2022

Entering the Comfort Zone (TV)

They're your go-to programs that you like watching over and over again, especially when you need a pick-me-up. You know what I'm talking about--comfort TV. Often, it can be something you watched as a kid, in happy times, or with the people special to you.

Lately for me my comfort TV show has been Smallville (I'm in the middle of watching Season 8, but I'll probably start Season 9 by next week). Full disclosure: I've been a Superman fan since the age of 12 when Christopher Reeve in Superman: The Movie flew onto my radar. After the Superman movies it was Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman (it's cheesy 1990s fare, but I still like it) and then Smallville. Why do I find watching Smallville comforting? Simply put, it's fun fantasy and escapism.

Even therapists say that "comfort viewing" is good for our mental health. We relax and re-charge our brains by watching familiar characters and episodes. Furthermore, comfort viewing improves our emotional health and makes us feel more hopeful. It's good to watch an episode or two at the end of the day as long as we treat it as a break. However, if we're not doing necessary things--exercising, eating healthy, taking care of the dog, etc.--that's when comfort TV becomes detrimental.

So go ahead. Watch your favorite episodes of Friends, The Golden Girls, The Brady Bunch, or Dennis the Menace. Smile and have some good laughs. We need them more than ever with all the things going on in the world right now. What's your comfort TV show? Share with us!

Wishing you peace and good comfort viewing from the perch.