Friday, May 21, 2021

Choose Kindness

The past year and a half has undoubtedly been among the most challenging times we have faced both individually and collectively. We've seen the best in people--volunteers donating and distributing food to those who lost their jobs, neighbors checking in on each other. We've also seen the worst in people--customers stockpiling toilet paper and other supplies, people starting fights with each other over not wearing masks.

We're all scared. We're all concerned. And we're all trying to get by day-to-day during a time when inconsistency seems to be the only consistent thing. We don't like the feeling of insecurity, the feeling of not knowing what's going to happen next week or even tomorrow, for that matter. Limbo isn't a comfortable place to be.

Through all of this, nurses, doctors, police officers, firefighters, grocery workers, restaurant workers, and yes, librarians and library staff, are among many doing their best to keep working their jobs. It's not business as usual for anyone. There are different things that they're doing to keep themselves and others safe from COVID-19. In the library, for instance, we're wearing masks, we're wiping down computers and desks, we're quarantining returned items, and we're trying to keep patrons socially distant. We're doing things that we didn't do in pre-pandemic times.

We understand that you're stressed from this pandemic. So are we. However, please don't take that stress out on the people who are doing the best they can to help you during extraordinary circumstances. Take a moment, take a breath. Please understand that we are as worried and frustrated as you with all the changes we've had to make. These are not normal times. Rather than lashing out on someone due to fear or anger, choose kindness. We can all use more of it, especially now.

Sending you peace and kindness from the perch.