Tuesday, February 23, 2021

One Year Later

Do you remember February 2020? It was the last month of normalcy in the U.S., the last pre-pandemic month. We were still eating inside restaurants, getting together with friends, going to school or work, doing all the things we normally do in day-to-day life. Yes, there was a virus called COVID-19, but that was in China, in Italy, not here. Halfway into March, our lives changed. I don't think anyone imagined the past year the way it actually turned out to be.

Needless to say, the library was not unaffected by the pandemic. For the first two weeks, we were completely closed down. Afterward, two of us were working inside a closed library while the rest of us worked from home, expanding our social media and doing whatever we could remotely. Electronic resources--Overdrive/Libby, Hoopla, Kanopy, and others--became more popular than ever before. We started a new curbside service to give our patrons access to physical materials in the library, bagging requested items and delivering them outside to those waiting in cars.

Although our library has been open to foot traffic by appointment since October 2020, things just haven't been the same. Everyone is wearing masks, hand sanitizer is around, and plexiglass comes between us and our patrons. Self-checkout has become a new thing, and in-person programs are non-existent. And it's quiet, much quieter than normal even for a library since we don't have patrons lingering as they did in pre-pandemic times.

We're waiting for the day when things will return to normal. Not a new "normal," but a real normal. When we hear the sounds of kids and their parents enjoying storytime. When we have a computer lab packed with patrons surfing the Internet or doing classwork. When we can see each other maskless, face-to-face with no barriers separating us. When we don't have to be afraid of getting sick or getting others sick. Whenever that day comes, let's cherish it and be grateful. Let's not take the simple pleasures, like enjoying a visit to the library, for granted.

Until then, let's take care of ourselves and be considerate of others.

Wishing you better and happier times sooner, rather than later, from the perch.

Wednesday, February 10, 2021

Love in the Time of COVID-19

I'm sick of it. You're sick of it. We're all sick of the COVID-19 pandemic, which seems to go on with no end. And now we're on the brink of celebrating yet another holiday in a time of quarantines and lockdowns.

This Valentine's Day will be different from others. Dining out, going to a movie theatre, attending a concert...chances are we won't be doing any of these things this year. Maybe we're too stressed to even be thinking of Valentine's Day at all, with many of us working from home, some with our partners and some by our lonesome.

So, how should we celebrate V-Day this year? Can we even celebrate the holiday? Here are some ideas to enjoy the day safely, whether you have a partner or not:

  • Just relax. With everything going on, we have enough pressure and stress as it is. Look at the day as an occasion to show yourself or your partner some love by taking it easy. Meditate, practice yoga, or do nothing at all.
  • Go for a walk. Fresh air does plenty for your body and mind. Take a short walk in the park or even in your neighborhood. It's sure to boost your spirit.
  • Dine at home. Feeling ambitious? Have some fun and make a recipe you've never made before. If cooking isn't your thing, try takeout from your favorite restaurant or one that's new to you. You'll be taking a break while giving support to eateries that have been hurting during these tough times.
  • Have a video chat or Zoom call. If you can't be together with loved ones in person, use technology to bring you closer. Tell that someone screen-to-screen how much he or she means to you.
  • Have a movie marathon. Get some DVDs from the library or try out Kanopy, a database that allows you to stream movies for free. Spend the day catching up on some flicks you may have missed.
  • Read a good book. Similar to the previous listing, check out some good books from the library or get some free ebooks from a library database, such as Overdrive/Libby, Hoopla, or others. There are plenty of romances to read along with different genres for all readers.

Whatever you do this Valentine's Day, have a good one.

Sending out warm wishes from the perch.