Wednesday, January 27, 2021

Read for Your Need

I have a need to read, but I also read for my need, something which has never been more true than over the past year with the pandemic. Through all the various ups and downs, I've found that my needs have been ever evolving, and with them, so have my reads.

If you're wondering how I read for my need, here are some of my approaches:

  • DO read whatever you want.  Read whatever you're in the mood for reading. Go wherever the wind takes you.
  • DO read for the moment.  Sometimes we need a read that helps us get through different moments in our lives. In his play, Shadowlands, William Nicholson wrote, "We read to know we are not alone."
  • DO read one or more books at the same time.  If you feel like reading a more serious read in the morning but a lighter read before going to bed, go for it. There are no rules on how many books you can read at a time.
  • DON'T read X number of books a year.  Read as many or as few books as you want. Sometimes you want to binge-read, sometimes you don't. The books are there for you, not you for the books.
  • DON'T finish the TBR (To Be Read) stack on your night table.  If you're in the mood for reading those books, fine. If not, read something you feel like reading. That stack will always be there waiting for you.
  • DON'T finish the book just because you started it.  I'm not a quitter, but I've learned that life's too short to force yourself to finish a book that doesn't really grab you. Don't make yourself suffer through to the bitter end.

Reading should never, EVER be a chore. Books are there for us when we need them. Even if we can only spare 10 minutes at a time for reading, those 10 minutes can make all the difference in improving our mood and outlook. Treat reading as an outlet, a way of relieving stress and, perhaps, loneliness during tough won't be disappointed.

How do you read for your need? Share with us!

Wishing you good reads (and tasty sips) from the perch.

Friday, January 15, 2021

My Pandemic Reading

I thought I'd start 2021 with reflecting on and sharing with you my 2020 book journey which, like many things last year, was slightly different from the usual. 

Firstly, I read more since I spent less time out doing things and more time at home. Reading is something I normally squeeze in while having lunch or winding down before bed. However, during last spring's stay-at-home order, I found I had more time than usual for one of my favorite activities, which was a good thing.

Secondly, I found that the pandemic and events of the year really affected my reading choices. Although I usually read according to my mood and interests, often choosing books by the time and place in which they're set, during the pandemic I gravitated toward fantasy and selections that were more positive, uplifting, and mindful. I wanted to read books that took my mind off the daily news.

Thirdly, the past year had an impact on how I read. Not that I had anything against ebooks, but I could never see myself abandoning paper pages for an electronic screen. Well, the lack of library access for a spell and safety concerns compelled me to get my first e-reader, and I surprisingly got hooked. I loved having access to the virtual library 24/7 and feeling connected to the outside even though I was staying inside. 

I've learned different things about myself as a reader over the past year, many of which broadened and re-defined my reading experiences. A Polish proverb states that "necessity is a great master," and that certainly proved true. Circumstances taught me some new things, for which I'm grateful.

How was your pandemic reading, and what have you learned about yourself as a reader? Share with us!

Wishing you a happy new year of reading from the perch.