Wednesday, October 21, 2020

Holidays in the Time of Coronavirus

With Halloween just around the corner, we're heading into a holiday season that's unlike any we've experienced before. There were other holidays in the past seven months of the COVID-19 pandemic, but some of the really big holidays we normally spend with gatherings of family and friends are coming in the next two months. And to top things off, those holidays are often celebrated indoors because they take place during colder weather in most areas.

I think it's safe to say we're all pandemic-weary at this point. We want to see our families and friends in person. We want restaurants to operate at normal capacity. We want to watch new movies in cinemas. We want concerts back. We want to stop wearing masks and washing our hands like germaphobes. We want to resume our normal lives. But we can't. Because coronavirus is still a very real thing.

I'm not going to tell you what to do or not to do as we enter this strange holiday season. We all have a lot of tough choices to make on how we're going to do things this year, deciding on what risks we're willing or not willing to take. 

To help you make those decisions, consult reputable websites like the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, WebMD, and The Health Nexus. Some other websites to check for the latest information on the spread of the virus are the Johns Hopkins Coronavirus Resource Center, the Washington State Coronavirus Response (or similar websites for other states), and the Spokane Regional Health District (or similar websites for specific counties).

Keep in mind that the 1918 Flu Pandemic didn't last forever and neither will the 2020 COVID-19 Pandemic. We just don't know when it will end. In the meantime, let's keep ourselves, our families, and others safe by becoming educated and making the best decisions possible.

Wishing everyone a safe and healthy holiday season from the perch.

Friday, October 16, 2020

We're back!!!

At long last, the library is OPEN!!! Well, a limited opening, but it's the first time since March that we're actually welcoming patrons through our doors! YAY!!!

The COVID-19 Pandemic has affected every aspect of our lives, and unfortunately, that includes library visits as well. So, allow me to talk about what to expect the next time you come into to the library:

  • The library is open by appointment only. You can call us (509-247-5556) to schedule a 30-minute appointment for book browsing or a 30/60-minute appointment for computer use.
  • "Grab and Go." Look around, grab what you want, and check out. Do not read or flip through books. There is no lingering in the library at this time, so expect chairs stacked on tables and toys put away.
  • Please bring and wear your own mask. We want everyone to stay safe and healthy, so if you're older than 2 years, we ask that you cover your nose and mouth with a mask. All library employees are wearing masks as well.
  • Distance yourself from others. Appointments may overlap, and if this happens, be sure to distance at least 6 feet away from others.
  • Use hand sanitizer. Keep your hands clean by using the hand sanitizer provided in the library.
  • New books on display. To minimize contact and spreading germs, we've arranged our newest books on displays with their covers facing front. If you're interested in checking something out, pick one up!
  • No food and drinks. This helps the library stay clean and keeps the spread of germs to a minimum.

We understand that many of you have missed coming into the library, and we've missed seeing you as well. We also want to keep everyone as safe as possible during these difficult and unprecedented times. Please be courteous and mindful of others, some of whom may be immune compromised, elderly, or in another high risk group for contracting coronavirus. Come on time for your appointment and stay within your time limit. Of course, if you don't feel comfortable coming inside the library, we'll still bring your items out to you curbside.

Hopefully, the situation with the pandemic will improve over time, and when that happens, we will be able to offer more services. We'll get through this as long as we all do our part to keep ourselves and others safe. In the meantime, let's keep reading!

Sending you wishes for good health from the perch.