Thursday, May 25, 2017

Take a Hike (Or a Bike)

At long last the (somewhat) warmer weather has finally arrived in Spokane!  If you're like me, you're probably stir crazy from being cooped up through a cold winter and spring.  Maybe you're ready to burst outside, fill up your lungs with fresh air, and do something fun in the midst of nature.

Whether you're a hardcore athlete or just enjoy a little exercise, the Inland Northwest has a number of biking and hiking trails to get you out and about.

Some of my personal favorites include:
  • Centennial Trail (WA) and North Idaho Centennial Trail (ID)
  • Columbia Plateau Trail (WA)
  • Mineral Ridge Trail (ID)
  • Route of the Hiawatha (ID)
  • Trail of the Coeur d'Alenes (ID)
  • Tubbs Hill Trail (ID)
  • Turnbull National Wildlife Refuge (ID)

There are trails around Sandpoint, Idaho (the Mickinnick Trail has a good view of Lake Pend Oreille) and Libby, Montana (the trail to Kootenai Falls is a must-do).  If you're interested in exploring these and other trails, check out the following websites:

Of course, the library has plenty of books on trails near and far.  Just stop by and ask your friendly neighborhood perch librarian what's available.

Wishing you happy trails from the perch.