- Fear of space in the library.
- Fear of approaching a librarian.
- Fear of not knowing how to use the library.
- Fear of doing research.
The library space is YOUR space. You can move about it wherever you want, you can come and go as you please. You don't have to ask us permission to use the bathroom, go to your car, come back later, etc. We try to make the library environment as comfortable as possible with soft, cushy chairs to read (or sleep) in, crafts you can make on the tables, and puzzles you can piece together.
Don't be afraid of approaching your perch librarian or anyone else at the desk. Sometimes we look like we're busy, but we're doing odds and ends (like writing posts on this blog) while we wait for you to come to us with your questions and concerns. PLEASE BOTHER US! We're here for you and want to help.
Don't worry about not knowing how to use the library. We don't expect you to know everything. If you did, you'd be the librarian and we'd be out of our jobs! Don't feel stupid or think your question is stupid. Believe me, we've heard all kinds of questions and there really is no such thing as a stupid question. The only thing stupid is not asking your question, so please ASK!
Research doesn't have to be a difficult or scary thing. If you're not sure how to do it or where to start, COME SEE US! We're trained to know about different resources online and in print. We can use our knowledge to help you find what you need quickly. There's no need for you to suffer alone. We're here to help and make your life a little easier.
Bottom line--the library is YOUR place and librarians, including your perch librarian, are here to help you. We won't bite--I promise! Come stop by, even if it's only to say hello.
Ever helpfully yours from the perch.