Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Celebration Time!

Guess what?  November is birthday month for your very own perch librarian!  Yay!  Happy Birthday to yours truly!  I'm a planner to the point of being almost annoyingly organized (my husband continues to be surprised that I usually have our next 3 weekends planned), and my birthday is no exception.  I've been waiting to go to one of my favorite comfy-cozy restaurants, and then I discovered that the restaurant will be closed for the entire month of November while it moves to a different location...ackkkkk!!!!

I needed to re-plan my birthday plans, and that got me thinking--a lot of people besides me probably wonder what to do on their special day.  So I got on the Internet to explore what people do on their birthdays.  The ideas are interesting--thanking your parents, taking the day off from work, and having the usual party, among others.  Maybe you'll get some ideas for your own birthday or the birthday of someone near and dear in your life.

Check out some of the following websites (the names say it all):

The possibilities of what you can do on your birthday are endless, but the best is doing whatever makes you happy.  For myself, that means spending the morning at the spa soaking my cares away in the hot tub followed by dinner in the evening with my husband at my favorite Ethiopian restaurant.

Whenever your birthday may be, wishing you a wonderful day of bliss from the perch.