Tuesday, June 10, 2014

It's Time Again for Summer Reading!

Yay!  Hurray!!  WooHOO!!!  I'm so excited!  I'm soooo excited!!  Did I mention I was excited?  And if you're wondering why I'm excited, it's because it's finally time for summer reading!  YES!!!  School's almost out, the weather's getting warmer, and trips to the lake will be happening soon.  It's a great time to kick back and relax with a good book!

Last week was the first week of our summer reading program, and I can happily report that so far we have 140 kids registered, 22 teens, and 28 adults.  That's awesome!  We're hoping to get even more people registered over the next few months, because as they say, it ain't over 'til it's over, and for us that's August 30.

If you can allow me to get up on the soapbox for a moment, I think summer reading is a really great thing.  It's something everyone can do no matter their age (kids too young to read can even be read to by an adult or an older sibling).  You can do it by yourself or with others.  You don't have to worry about reading for school book reports or for college research papers.  You just read whatever you like, whenever you like.  I remember how much I enjoyed the summer when I was growing up because I could read anything I wanted just for the fun of it (I still do, by the way).

And that's what summer reading is all about--reading just for fun.  It's not about what you read or how much you read.  It's just about reading.  That's all.  So come on in to the library, register for the summer reading program, check out some books, and have fun reading! 

Bookishly yours on the perch.

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

The 100th Post!

Wow!  I can't believe it!  This is it!  The BIG one!  Really!  This is officially the 100th Post of The Librarian's Perch!

To be honest (and modest), I wasn't entirely sure that this humble little library blog would actually make it to 100.  When you start with the first few blog posts, you're just happy to have something out there and hope that some people are reading what you put into cyberspace.  You try to think of interesting things to write about libraries--things about books, things about technologies, and sometimes just interesting things in general.

I hope that you, my loyal fans who have been following this blog, enjoyed reading the various posts.  Maybe some of them have been informative and made you think about different library services and issues.  Maybe some of them have been a little entertaining.  Whatever the case, you were hopefully able to take something away with you.

I sincerely thank you for taking the time to follow this library blog and for being supportive of our library.  As long as there are people like you out there who want to have fun reading, learning, and growing, there will always be a future for libraries.

Here's to the 100th Post and for the next hundred posts to come!

Yours truly celebrating with a happy dance on the perch.