Saturday, April 12, 2014

Reader's Block (Conclusion)

The last time you heard from me, dear readers, I was suffering with a bad case of reader's block.  I didn't know what I felt like reading or what kind of literary mood I was in.  Well, you'll be happy to know that I got over my reader's block quicker than I expected.

Sometimes, as I discovered, finding a new book is like finding a new outfit to wear.  You touch it, take a good look at the outside, and then take a look at the inside.  If it's appealing, you try it on to get a feel for it and decide whether it's you or not.  That's what I ended up doing in order to find my new book.  I looked at a few books that seemed good, then read the first few paragraphs to get a sense of the story and the writing style.  Quite a few books didn't feel right for me at the moment, but then I found one that was just what I needed.

If you're wondering which book broke my case of reader's block, it was Jamie Ford's Songs of Willow Frost.  Ford, who also authored the highly regarded Hotel On the Corner of Bitter and Sweet which I absolutely loved, writes about a 12-year old Chinese-American boy in a Seattle orphanage during the 1930s who believes the movie star Willow Frost is his mother.  As with his previous novel, Ford does a wonderful job of storytelling and brings his characters to life in a way that makes you care and connect with them.  And his writing style is clean and down-to-earth--no mires to trudge through.

Should you have a case of reader's block, I wholeheartedly recommend Songs of Willow Frost.  It may be the book to get you going again, and if not, try on different books to find the book that's just right for you.

My usual 2 cents from the perch.

Thursday, April 3, 2014

Reader's Block

I'm going to admit something to you, my dear fans, that you won't hear from many perch librarians.  I have no idea what I want to read next.  Yes.  I've said it.  I officially have reader's block.  Sure, I have lists of what I want to read on my Pinterest page and in my mind, but the problem is I don't know what I feel like reading.

I don't know about the rest of you, but besides choosing a book by its setting and time period (something I wrote about ages ago), I also have to be in a mood for a certain book.  Usually I know what kind of a mood I'm in.  Modern or historical.  Light or deep.  Domestic or foreign.  At the moment, though, I really don't know where I want to go with my reading.  Yikes!

I've been playing perch librarian to myself, conducting my own reference interview:

Q:  So, PL, what do you want to read?
A:  I don't know, PL, but I want to read something that's light and gets my interest.
Q:  Have you considered trying a romance novel?
A:  I have, but I often can't get past the first page.  I like love stories, but I need something with substance.
Q:  You've read Fifty Shades of Grey...
A:  I have and thought about reading the second book, but I remembered how I felt after reading the first book and I vowed not to touch the series again unless I'm desperate.  And I'm NOT that desperate...yet.
Q:  I see.  So you're looking for something light and interesting...
A:  And something that's not too long.  I normally have no commitment problems with my books, but this is one of those rare times when I'm up for a quickie, nothing long term.
Q:  Have you tried Richard Paul Evans' The Walk?  Most of the chapters average 3 pages.
A:  Funny you mention that book.  I just finished it, but I'm not ready to read the next book in the series.  Have any other ideas?  PL...?
Q:  I'm thinking...

Now you get a sense of my anguish.  So with that, I turn to you, my dear fans.  Have you read a book that you absolutely loved and couldn't put down?  I'm sure you have.  If not recently, then probably some time in the past.  Please help me out of my misery and share your favorite reads--I'd love to hear from you!

Your ever humble perch librarian with good reading thoughts the perch.